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driving energy中文是什么意思

用"driving energy"造句"driving energy"怎么读"driving energy" in a sentence


  • (脆断)驱动能量
  • 打桩能量
  • 驱动能


  • Technical and economic analysis on natural gas engine - driven energy system
  • Experimental results show that the average power reduction is as high as 20 % . 3 . avoiding waste is an important strategy in low power design , a task - driven energy - efficient methodology has been explored to minimize power in microprocessors
    将该算法应用于mcncbenchmark电路,实验得到了比mwis方法更优的结果,功耗平均降低约20 ,该方法特别适用于低功耗库单元的优化。
  • The blasting circuit breaker and the studied self - extinguishing circuit breaker that are in the same voltage level are compared . it proves that the arc energy can be used to help build the pressure of the expansion chamber and extinguishing the arc in order to lessen the driven energy
用"driving energy"造句  


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